7th International School on Rewriting and INFINIS participation — 25-29/Aug/2014

Various INFINIS PhD students (Carlos Lombardi, Andrés Viso and Pablo Barenbaum) participated in the 7th International School on Rewriting which was held in Valparaiso, Chile. Also, Eduardo Bonelli gave a short course.Various INFINIS PhD students (Carlos Lombardi, Andrés Viso and Pablo Barenbaum) participated in the 7th International School on Rewriting which was held in Valparaiso, Chile. Also, Eduardo Bonelli gave a short course.Various INFINIS PhD students (Carlos Lombardi, Andrés Viso and Pablo Barenbaum) participated in the 7th International School on Rewriting which was held in Valparaiso, Chile. Also, Eduardo Bonelli gave a short course.

INFINIS and XVI Simposio Latinoamericano de Lógica Matemática, Buenos Aires — 27/Jul to 2/Aug

Members of INFINIS had an active role in XVI Simposio Latinoamericano de Lógica
Matemática, Buenos Aires, from 27 july to August 2. Carlos Areces organized the
Logic and Computability session. Verónica Becher gave a plenary at XVI Simposio
Latinoamericano de Lógica Matemática, Buenos Aires, entitled “On Normal Numbers”.
Olivier Carton gave an invited talk entitled “Monadic Second Order Logic on Linear
Ordres”.  Many members of INFINS gave contributed talks.Members of INFINIS had an active role in XVI Simposio Latinoamericano de Lógica
Matemática, Buenos Aires, from 27 july to August 2. Carlos Areces organized the
Logic and Computability session. Verónica Becher gave a plenary at XVI Simposio
Latinoamericano de Lógica Matemática, Buenos Aires, entitled “On Normal Numbers”.
Olivier Carton gave an invited talk entitled “Monadic Second Order Logic on Linear
Ordres”. Many members of INFINS gave contributed talks.Members of INFINIS had an active role in XVI Simposio Latinoamericano de Lógica
Matemática, Buenos Aires, from 27 july to August 2. Carlos Areces organized the
Logic and Computability session. Verónica Becher gave a plenary at XVI Simposio
Latinoamericano de Lógica Matemática, Buenos Aires, entitled “On Normal Numbers”.
Olivier Carton gave an invited talk entitled “Monadic Second Order Logic on Linear
Ordres”. Many members of INFINS gave contributed talks.

Attracting young research students — Event at DC, UBA — 27-28/Aug/2014

On August 27 and 28, 2014, the Department of Computer Science at Facultad de
Ciencias Exactas y Naturales organized a series of talks to communicate ongoing
research. The event counted with massive attendance of young students. Sergio
Abriola, Verónica Becher, and Gabriel Senno gave talks.On August 27 and 28, 2014, the Department of Computer Science at Facultad de
Ciencias Exactas y Naturales organized a series of talks to communicate ongoing
research. The event counted with massive attendance of young students. Sergio
Abriola, Verónica Becher, and Gabriel Senno gave talks.On August 27 and 28, 2014, the Department of Computer Science at Facultad de
Ciencias Exactas y Naturales organized a series of talks to communicate ongoing
research. The event counted with massive attendance of young students. Sergio
Abriola, Verónica Becher, and Gabriel Senno gave talks.

Olivier Carton visits UBA — Jul/2014

Olivier Carton from Université Paris Diderot visited UBA for whole month of July
2014. He interacted with the local group on Algorithmic Randomnes.Olivier Carton from Université Paris Diderot visited UBA for whole month of July
2014. He interacted with the local group on Algorithmic Randomnes.Olivier Carton from Université Paris Diderot visited UBA for whole month of July
2014. He interacted with the local group on Algorithmic Randomnes.

Becher co-organizes Algorithmic Randomness — Jun/2014

Verónica Becher co-organized the Algorithmic Randomness Programme, Institute of
Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, from 2 to 30 June 2014.Verónica Becher co-organized the Algorithmic Randomness Programme, Institute of
Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, from 2 to 30 June 2014.Verónica Becher co-organized the Algorithmic Randomness Programme, Institute of
Mathematical Sciences, Singapore, from 2 to 30 June 2014.

Balabonski (U. Orsay) visits UBA, UNQ — Aug/2014

Thibaut Balabonski visitied the rewriting and lambda calculus research group from 13/Aug to 24/Aug and interacted with numerous reserachers. He also gave a talk at the UNQ whose title was Semantic Proofs of Correctness For Low-level Concurrent Program Optimisations.Thibaut Balabonski visitied the rewriting and lambda calculus research group from 13/Aug to 24/Aug and interacted with numerous reserachers. He also gave a talk at the UNQ whose title was Semantic Proofs of Correctness For Low-level Concurrent Program Optimisations.Thibaut Balabonski visitied the rewriting and lambda calculus research group from 13/Aug to 24/Aug and interacted with numerous reserachers. He also gave a talk at the UNQ whose title was Semantic Proofs of Correctness For Low-level Concurrent Program Optimisations.

Two researchers from U. Nacional de Gral. Sarmiento visit U. Paris Diderot (LIAFA) — May/2014

Eda Cesaratto and Guillermo Matera visit LIAFA as part of an ongoing collaboration with
Julien Clement, Brigitte Vallée, Valérie Berthé and Loick Lhote. They will participate a series of talks that will take place on 26 May and whose details are described below.

Salle commune LIAFA PPS 3052
Bât. Sophie Germain
3ème étage

10h00-10h30 : accueil
10h30-12h30: présentation du projet
Thème 1: Brigitte Vallée (Caen)
Thème 2: Eda Cesaratto (Buenos Aires)
Thème 3: Julien Clément (Caen)
Thème 4: Alfredo Viola (Montevideo)

13h : repas Crous Buffon.

14h30 : G. Matera On the number of elements in families of
univariate polynomials over a finite field with a given factorization pattern

15h30: Alfredo Viola How to find and enumerate k correlation-immune
functions of minimum
weight: an algorithmic approach

19h30 : repas restaurant Dupont (a cote du labo)

27 mai
10h00-12h30 : Eda and Valerie Analysis of some parameters of
interest in Sturmian words

13h : repas Crous Buffon

14h30 : Brigitte Vallée On periodic trajectories
Eda Cesaratto and Guillermo Matera visit LIAFA as part of an ongoing collaboration with
Julien Clement, Brigitte Vallée, Valérie Berthé and Loick Lhote. They will participate a series of talks that will take place on 26 May and whose details are described below.

Salle commune LIAFA PPS 3052
Bât. Sophie Germain
3ème étage

10h00-10h30 : accueil
10h30-12h30: présentation du projet
Thème 1: Brigitte Vallée (Caen)
Thème 2: Eda Cesaratto (Buenos Aires)
Thème 3: Julien Clément (Caen)
Thème 4: Alfredo Viola (Montevideo)

13h : repas Crous Buffon.

14h30 : G. Matera On the number of elements in families of
univariate polynomials over a finite field with a given factorization pattern

15h30: Alfredo Viola How to find and enumerate k correlation-immune
functions of minimum
weight: an algorithmic approach

19h30 : repas restaurant Dupont (a cote du labo)

27 mai
10h00-12h30 : Eda and Valerie Analysis of some parameters of
interest in Sturmian words

13h : repas Crous Buffon

14h30 : Brigitte Vallée On periodic trajectories
Eda Cesaratto and Guillermo Matera visit LIAFA as part of an ongoing collaboration with
Julien Clement, Brigitte Vallée, Valérie Berthé and Loick Lhote. They will participate a series of talks that will take place on 26 May and whose details are described below.

Salle commune LIAFA PPS 3052
Bât. Sophie Germain
3ème étage

10h00-10h30 : accueil
10h30-12h30: présentation du projet
Thème 1: Brigitte Vallée (Caen)
Thème 2: Eda Cesaratto (Buenos Aires)
Thème 3: Julien Clément (Caen)
Thème 4: Alfredo Viola (Montevideo)

13h : repas Crous Buffon.

14h30 : G. Matera On the number of elements in families of
univariate polynomials over a finite field with a given factorization pattern

15h30: Alfredo Viola How to find and enumerate k correlation-immune
functions of minimum
weight: an algorithmic approach

19h30 : repas restaurant Dupont (a cote du labo)

27 mai
10h00-12h30 : Eda and Valerie Analysis of some parameters of
interest in Sturmian words

13h : repas Crous Buffon

14h30 : Brigitte Vallée On periodic trajectories

Two researchers from U. Paris Diderot visit UBA — May/2014

Antonio Bucciarelli and Delia Kesner visited UBA for a period of 2 weeks starting 5 May. They interacted with the local group on rewriting and lambda calculus (LoReL). Antonio gave a talk on “Definability and Full Abstraction Problems for Lambda Calculi”.Antonio Bucciarelli and Delia Kesner visited UBA for a period of 2 weeks starting 5 May. They interacted with the local group on rewriting and lambda calculus (LoReL). Antonio gave a talk on “Definability and Full Abstraction Problems for Lambda Calculi”.Antonio Bucciarelli and Delia Kesner visited UBA for a period of 2 weeks starting 5 May. They interacted with the local group on rewriting and lambda calculus (LoReL). Antonio gave a talk on “Definability and Full Abstraction Problems for Lambda Calculi”.

Pablo Heiber defended his PhD thesis succesfully — DC, FCEyN, UBA — 17/Mar/14

On March 17, 2014, Pablo Ariel Heiber defended his PhD. thesis at the Universidad de Buenos Aires entitled”A Computational Perspective on Normal Numbers!
Director: Verónica Becher
Jury: Antonio Montalbán, University California, Berkeley
Jean-Eric Pin, CNRS-Paris Diderot
Diego Vaggione, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, ArgentinaOn March 17, 2014, Pablo Ariel Heiber defended his PhD. thesis at the Universidad de Buenos Aires entitled”A Computational Perspective on Normal Numbers!
Director: Verónica Becher
Jury: Antonio Montalbán, University California, Berkeley
Jean-Eric Pin, CNRS-Paris Diderot
Diego Vaggione, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, ArgentinaOn March 17, 2014, Pablo Ariel Heiber defended his PhD. thesis at the Universidad de Buenos Aires entitled”A Computational Perspective on Normal Numbers!
Director: Verónica Becher
Jury: Antonio Montalbán, University California, Berkeley
Jean-Eric Pin, CNRS-Paris Diderot
Diego Vaggione, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

Jean-Eric Pin gives talk at DC, FCEyN, UBA — 19/Mar/14

Este Miércoles, 19 de Marzo, a las 17 hs, el Dr. Jean-Eric Pin, del CNRS y Universidad Paris Diderot, dará la charla:

“Todo lo que querías saber sobre autómatas y nunca te atreviste a preguntar”

Aula E24, Pabellón I

Dará una introducción básica a los autómatas finitos y sus aplicaciones. No se necesitan conocimientos previos sobre autómatas para entenderla. Las diapositivas serán en castellano, pero la charla será en inglés.

Jean-Eric Pin es director de investigación del CNRs y Universidad Paris Diderot. Es un reconocido especialista en la teoría algebraica de lenguajes y autómatas. Es autor de más de 140 publicaciones incluyendo varios libros, entre ellos “Infinite Words”, en co-autoría con Dominique Perrin, publicado en la serie Pure and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, 2004. Su página web es http://www.liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~jepEste Miércoles, 19 de Marzo, a las 17 hs, el Dr. Jean-Eric Pin, del CNRS y Universidad Paris Diderot, dará la charla:

“Todo lo que querías saber sobre autómatas y nunca te atreviste a preguntar”

Aula E24, Pabellón I

Dará una introducción básica a los autómatas finitos y sus aplicaciones. No se necesitan conocimientos previos sobre autómatas para entenderla. Las diapositivas serán en castellano, pero la charla será en inglés.

Jean-Eric Pin es director de investigación del CNRs y Universidad Paris Diderot. Es un reconocido especialista en la teoría algebraica de lenguajes y autómatas. Es autor de más de 140 publicaciones incluyendo varios libros, entre ellos “Infinite Words”, en co-autoría con Dominique Perrin, publicado en la serie Pure and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, 2004. Su página web es http://www.liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~jepEste Miércoles, 19 de Marzo, a las 17 hs, el Dr. Jean-Eric Pin, del CNRS y Universidad Paris Diderot, dará la charla:

“Todo lo que querías saber sobre autómatas y nunca te atreviste a preguntar”

Aula E24, Pabellón I

Dará una introducción básica a los autómatas finitos y sus aplicaciones. No se necesitan conocimientos previos sobre autómatas para entenderla. Las diapositivas serán en castellano, pero la charla será en inglés.

Jean-Eric Pin es director de investigación del CNRs y Universidad Paris Diderot. Es un reconocido especialista en la teoría algebraica de lenguajes y autómatas. Es autor de más de 140 publicaciones incluyendo varios libros, entre ellos “Infinite Words”, en co-autoría con Dominique Perrin, publicado en la serie Pure and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, 2004. Su página web es http://www.liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr/~jep